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3 Classic Farm Animals that Make Great Family Pets

Farm animals aren’t often classified as great family pets, but there are a few that would make childhood and family life a little better.

All kinds of animals can be companions, regardless of whether you can hold or pet them. Merely looking forward to being around them and care for them is good enough. Hence, if you are looking for animals to brighten your farm days, this article has a few you should consider.

Ducks? You Bet Your Quackers!

Ducks are messy animals that love the mud and muck. And no lie, they can get a bit smelly if left to their own devices for a few days. However, they make great family pets because they can recognize and form bonds with specific people. In some cases, a duckling might bond with a person, then follow that person around like they’re the duckling’s mom. It’s very sweet; hence, the reason these quacky, wacky animals make awesome pets.

Piggies? Oink Course!

Hold your bacon and pork chop jokes—they weren’t funny anyways. Pigs get a bad rap, but these porky cuties are loving and quite intelligent. Actually, pigs are ranked as one of the smartest animals in the barnyard. The oinkers can be trained like pups with just as much loyalty. There have been hundreds of cases of piggies being allowed to live indoors because, despite the misconception, pigs are actually clean animals by nature—even if they do love their mud.

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Can Honeybees Be Pets? Meh, Kinda. Here’s the Buzz!

Honeybees make excellent pets in the classroom sense. You know, in the same way you would learn about and raise animals for whatever purpose in a 4H club. So, if you home-educate, snag the supplies, do your research, and teach your little beekeepers how to care and cultivate their own boxes of honeybees. There’s no law against having your older children help out with beekeeping. Just be sure everyone takes the proper precautions to make it safe.

Tip: Some people choose to keep their honeybee boxes indoors in designated sheds during the winter when their bees are in hibernation. Use filtration and electrical contractors Orange Park FL to ensure your indoor conditions are the best for beekeeping during the winter months.

Caution: Be sure you and your kiddos don’t have any bee sting allergies before pursuing beekeeping as a hobby.